Check the Events page for dates, times and location of activities.
Afternoon Teas and Tours
Afternoon teas are scheduled occasionally, September through June, in area inns, museums, and historic homes.
Book Groups
Several book groups meet throughout the month.
Bridge Groups
Various bridge groups gather weekly or monthly.
Cinema Arts Film Group
We meet each month (September-June) at Cinema Arts Theatre in Pickett Shopping Center in Fairfax and then meet at Mama Lucia's for lunch and discussion of film.
Membership luncheon meetings are held four times a year at the Arlington-Fairfax Elks Lodge Hall in Fairfax.
Government Relations Team
The GRT is a group of retired educators who are interested in speaking on behalf of all Virginia's retired education employees.
FCRE Member Services-Tours sponsors a continuing series of domestic and international tours tailored especially for members and their guests. All programs are announced in the FCRE Advocate.
Legato School Museum
The Legato School Museum is the last of Fairfax County's one-room schoolhouses; it served students in all eight grades from 1870 until 1930. Located in central Fairfax City on Rt. 123, the museum is maintained by FCRE and is open to the public by appointment and on certain holidays.